the story of 'Living'

i have to be careful when i reminisce about college days - i can easily get lost in so many amazing memories and experiences, and before i know it i've been daydreaming for hours about all of the blessings from just a few years ago...

and by blessings, i mean people.  one of those blessings is Meg (Welsh) Cordes.  Meg is one of those thoroughly beautiful people who makes an immediate impact in your life when you meet her, and makes an immediate impact on a group of people when she is a part of it.  She was part of our team of worship leaders at the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry at CU, and she shared her gift of using sign language; this in addition to many other ways that she served her friends and the CU community through Cru, through being an RA, and through being a great friend. 

i had just started this crazy idea of writing songs for people getting married when Meg asked me if i would be willing to write one for her wedding.  Of course i said i would do my best - but in the back of my mind i had a hesitation - i didn't know her fiance at all!  I had not had the chance to meet Jason prior to their engagement, so i quickly realized that i was going to have to approach this song from Meg's perspective - and just to clarify, she is a girl and i am not - so i was in new songwriting territory at the time. 

here are the lyrics for 'Living' -

   I want to see love alive                                           
   In all the ways it’s described
   Love that’s stronger than death
   Love that covers our sin
   To see love alive
   As we lay down our lives
   In spite of all the words we try
   This love is more than what we say
   It’s alive

I’m safe when you hold me
Even if you don’t speak that you love me,
I know you do
Now you’re saying aloud you love me,
But your patience, your kindness,
your faithfulness show me you do
Our love is a picture
Of something much bigger than just the two of us

We’re speaking in terms of a love
that we haven’t really known yet, or had a chance to show
We’re speaking these words
that are given to us to pledge to each other
We’re placing this love on our fingers,
and writing it on our hearts

Now we’ll see love alive
In all the ways it’s described
Love through sickness and health
Love that covers our sin
We’ll see love alive
As we become one life
Before all of these witnesses today
This love is even more than what we say
It’s alive

i had a long phone conversation with Meg where i asked her about her now-husband, Jason, and i was able to draw some really great images out of the ways she described Jason, the way she felt about him, and the way she felt about marriage.  One of the things that she was most excited about was really being able to live out love in the context of their relationship, and that phrase stuck in my mind - seeing love alive in a relationship.  She also spoke of how Jason was already showing his love for her, not just talking about it. 

this song was written before i knew my wife well enough to craft a song for her voice (she was just my girlfriend then!), so i hope i pulled off the feminine perspective well, even though it's in a masculine voice :-)

if you've seen love alive in your relationships or marriage, feel free to leave a comment about it! 


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